About Us
A style of practice that anticipates the needs of the insurance adjusters and defense attorneys

Mr. Stevens was born in Birmingham, Alabama and grew up and went to high school in Stone Mountain, Georgia. He received his Bachelor of Science degree from Presbyterian College in Clinton, South Carolina with a Major in Business Administration and a Minor in Political Science. After graduating in 1995, he obtained his Property and Casualty Insurance License and began working as a Casualty Claims Insurance Adjuster in Savannah, Georgia. Mr. Stevens returned to the Atlanta, Georgia area through the insurance adjusting business in 1998 and handled insurance claims during the day while attending John Marshall Law School at night. He obtained his Juris Doctor (Cum Laude) in 2002.
Qualified Experience
Mr. Stevens grew up working at public golf courses in Georgia and in South Carolina. He learned about people and life while picking up range balls, parking golf carts, stocking vending machines, running a cash register in a retail environment, and working golf course maintenance including cutting grass, watering greens, laying sod, and raking sand traps. Working at golf courses allowed Mr. Stevens to play golf for free and allowed him to develop a passion for the game that would develop into positions on the Stone Mountain High School Golf Team and the Presbyterian College Golf Team.
Mr. Stevens’s father, Neill Stevens, worked as an insurance adjuster for forty (40) years before retiring. Mr. Stevens’s brother, Craig Stevens, is currently an adjuster and owner of a small adjusting firm. Mr. Stevens began his career as a Casualty Insurance Adjuster in 1996 with Crawford & Company’s branch office in Savannah, GA. At Crawford & Company, Mr. Stevens handled claims for many insurance companies and self-insured companies including investigating tractor trailer wrecks on I-95 and I-16 and handling fall cases at the area businesses and hotels. Mr. Stevens worked with his father and brother as a Casualty Insurance Adjuster at Claims Management Services, Inc., in Roswell, Georgia after working for Crawford & Company in Savannah, Georgia. Mr. Stevens never planned on practicing law, but went to law school at night while handling claims during the day toward developing a career in the insurance industry.
At one time, Mr. Stevens held Casualty Insurance Adjusting licenses in over twenty (20) states. Mr. Stevens handled an Interstate Commercial Auto Program for TIG Insurance Company out of Irving, Texas and then Westport Insurance Corporation out of California before deciding to move back to Savannah, Georgia and start practicing law. Mr. Stevens began the practice of law as an associate at Ashman, Lasky & Cooper in 2003. The firm transitioned to become the Lasky Cooper Law. Mr. Stevens became a partner at Friedman, Martin & Stevens, LLP, in 2012 and then formed The Stevens Firm, PC, in June 2015.
Thankfully, Mr. Stevens’s longtime friend and Paralegal, Mrs. Jennifer Granat, has remained with Mr. Stevens during the move to each law firm and the two of them have developed a partnership in the handling of our clients’ cases that is second to none. Our team also includes Mr. Stevens’s Office Manager and Legal Assistant, and Mrs. Sheila Hickman.
Mr. Steven’s practice is primarily focused on wreck cases (tractor trailer, automobile, and motorcycles) and fall cases (trip and slip and fall). Mr. Stevens has received a number of awards associated with these practice areas and been invited to speak and present updates on the practice areas by a number of organizations. While the team has developed a large client base through helping many families around Savannah and the State of Georgia, Mr. Stevens is also referred cases by other lawyers who may be less familiar with these areas of practice.
Today - The Difference
Working as an Insurance Claims Adjuster for seven (7) years, as an Associate in a medium size personal injury trial practice for almost ten (10) years, and then as a Partner in personal injury trial practices since 2012 has prepared Mr. Stevens to develop a style of practice that anticipates the needs of the insurance adjusters and defense attorneys that are on the other side of our clients’ cases toward maximizing our clients’ recoveries. Mr. Stevens is well aware of what the insurance adjusters and defense attorneys are doing to defend the cases and this knowledge allows for complete preparation in the investigation and resolution of our clients’ cases.
Bar Admissions
- State Bar of Georgia, 2002
- Court of Appeals of the State of Georgia, 2002
- Supreme Court of the State of Georgia, 2002
- United States District Court for the Southern District of Georgia, 2006
Professional Associations and Memberships
- American Association for Justice
- Savannah Trial Lawyers Association (Past President)
- Georgia Trial Lawyers Association (Past Regional Vice President)
- Savannah Bar Association (Executive Council)
- Effingham County Bar Association
- National Trial Lawyers Association
- Top 2.5% of lawyers under the age of 40 in the State of Georgia and a Rising Star by Minneapolis based Law & Politics, publisher of Super Lawyers magazines; 2010
- Top 100 Trial Lawyers in the State of Georgia by the National Trial Lawyers Association
- Georgia Trend’s 2013 Legal Elite by Georgia Trend magazine; 2013
Outside Interests & Activities
- Independent Presbyterian Church, Savannah, GA
Mr. Stevens enjoys:
Spending time with his family; Spouse (Emily), Two Boys (James and Thadd), Labs (Scout and Jack) - Meeting with clients and their families
- Running, golf, fishing, boating on the Intracoastal Waterway and around the Georgia and South Carolina barrier islands and reading.
Presentations and Seminars
- Personal Injury 101 for National Business Institute; 2020
- Trial Pracice for Savannah Law School's Street Law Program at Savannah High School; 2016
- Professional Responsibility & Advertising – Savannah Law School; June 2015
- Understanding the Insurance Claims Process & Negotiating with Insurance Adjusters – Georgia Trial Lawyers Association; March 2015
- Premises Liability – Fall Cases – Savannah Bar Assoc. Hot Topics Seminar; Jan. 2014
- Uninsured Motorist & Underinsured Motorist Insurance Coverage – Abyssinia Baptist Church; Oct. 2012
- Important Considerations for the First Meeting in a Personal Injury Case - Savannah Bar Assoc. Hot Topics Seminar; Jan. 2011
Bar Admissions
Court of Appeals of the State of Georgia, 2002
Supreme Court of the State of Georgia, 2002
United States District Court for the Southern District of Georgia, 2006
Professional Associations and Memberships
Georgia Trial Lawyers Association (Regional Vice President)
Savannah Bar Association
Effingham County Bar Association
National Trial Lawyers Association
Top 100 Trial Lawyers in the State of Georgia by the National Trial Lawyers Association; 2011
Georgia Trend’s 2013 Legal Elite by Georgia Trend magazine; 2013
Outside Interests & Activities
Mr. Stevens enjoys:
Spending time with his family; Spouse (Emily), Two Boys (James and Thadd), Chocolate Labs (Scout and Jack)
Meeting with clients and their families
Running, golf, fishing, boating on the Intracoastal Waterway and around the Georgia and South Carolina barrier islands and reading.
Presentations and Seminars
Understanding the Insurance Claims Process & Negotiating with Insurance Adjusters – Georgia Trial Lawyers Association; March 2015
Premises Liability – Fall Cases – Savannah Bar Assoc. Hot Topics Seminar; Jan. 2014
Uninsured Motorist & Underinsured Motorist Insurance Coverage – Abyssinia Baptist Church; Oct. 2012
Important Considerations for the First Meeting in a Personal Injury Case - Savannah Bar Assoc. Hot Topics Seminar; Jan. 2011
Bar Admissions
State Bar of Georgia, 2002
Court of Appeals of the State of Georgia, 2002
Supreme Court of the State of Georgia, 2002
United States District Court for the Southern District of Georgia, 2006
Professional Associations and Memberships
Savannah Trial Lawyers Association (Past President)
Georgia Trial Lawyers Association (Regional Vice President)
Savannah Bar Association
Effingham County Bar Association
National Trial Lawyers Association
Top 2.5% of lawyers under the age of 40 in the State of Georgia and a Rising Star by Minneapolis based Law & Politics, publisher of Super Lawyers magazines; 2010
Top 100 Trial Lawyers in the State of Georgia by the National Trial Lawyers Association; 2011
Georgia Trend’s 2013 Legal Elite by Georgia Trend magazine; 2013
Outside Interests & Activities
Independent Presbyterian Church, Savannah, GA
Mr. Stevens enjoys: spending time with his family; Spouse (Emily), Two Boys (James and Thadd), Chocolate Lab (Scout)
Meeting with clients and their families
Boating on the Intracoastal Waterway and around the Georgia and South Carolina barrier islands
Presentations and Seminars
Professional Responsibility & Advertising – Savannah Law School; June 2015
Understanding the Insurance Claims Process & Negotiating with
Insurance Adjusters – Georgia Trial Lawyers Association; March 2015
Premises Liability – Fall Cases – Savannah Bar Assoc. Hot Topics
Seminar; Jan. 2014
Uninsured Motorist & Underinsured Motorist Insurance Coverage –
Abyssinia Baptist Church; Oct. 2012
Important Considerations for the First Meeting in a Personal Injury Case –
Savannah Bar Assoc. Hot Topics Seminar; Jan. 2011
Handling Reimbursement Claims – Savannah Bar Assoc. Hot Topics
Seminar; Jan. 2010
Bankruptcy and the Personal Injury Claim – South College, May 2009
Property Damage Claims, 1st and 3rd Party – Automotive Service Assoc. of Georgia, Nov. 2009
Utility of Ethics in a Personal Injury Practice – Southeastern Association of Legal Assistants; Oct. 2007